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Your Leadership Team

Position #1
Dustin Armitage
Board Member
Wenatchee Valley Fire Dept









Position #2
Michael Clapp
Board Member
East County Fire & Rescue

Mike started volunteering when he turned 16 with Clark County Fire District # 1. When he turned 21, Mike started volunteering at Camas Fire Department. He became Volunteer Lieutenant, then Vice President, then President. When Mike moved out of the city of Camas, he joined Clark County Fire District #9, which merged with District #1 and became East County Fire and Rescue. After taking a 2 year breather from volunteering, Mike missed it so much he decided to get back in the game and joined Skamania County Fire Dist #4. After 2 years he became a Lieutenant, and later a Captain. Mike just recently resigned with Skamania #4 and is now a Proud member of East County Fire and Rescue.









Position #3
Board Member

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Position #4
Jeremie Clark
Wenatchee Valley Fire Department

Jeremie Clark started in the volunteer service in September 1996 and currently is the Volunteer Division Chief with Wenatchee Valley Fire Department.  He was a resident for 7 years as part of the ARFF program residing @ Station 2 Pangborn Airport.  He was also promoted in 2006 to Volunteer Lieutenant and remained in that position until his promotion in 2022. He joined the WSFFA board in June 2014, prior to that, he served as President of the Chelan/Douglas Firefighters’ Association from 2005 - 2015 and 2016 - 2019 holding the position of President and Vice President.  He is a Washington native, growing up in Eastern Washington and graduating in 1998 from Eastmont High School. Jeremie’s hobbies include hunting, fishing, boating, camping, basically anything outdoors, and spending time with his family.


Position #5
Larry Creekmore
1st Vice President, NVFC Representative, + Training/Benefits Coordinator
Dupont Fire Department

Larry is an Assistant Chief with the Dupont Fire Department. He began his career in January 1983 with what is now South Kitsap Fire and Rescue. While there he was a volunteer responder, taught Kitsap County recruit schools from 1986 – 2014, and worked in the Support Service Division. After joining the Dupont Fire Department in 2005 as a career officer, he remained active as a training Captain with South Kitsap until January 2015. Over the years Larry has served on several state training committees, actively teaches fire service topics, serves as the WSFFA training manager, and is a Past President of WSFFA.


Position #6
Bill Ackerson
Bill Ackerson
Board Member
Ferry/Okanogan Fire Protection District #13

Bill Started his volunteer service in the fire district in October 2006 at FCFD #13. He has served as a training officer for about 7 years, Assistant Chief 4 years, and 8 years as Chief. He has since hung his hat of any of those positions to Run for Fire Commissioner Pos. #2. He has been serving that position now for the past 3 years and really in joys serving for his District. He is still a volunteer fireman for the District, which is not the only thing he enjoys volunteering for. He also has volunteered in positions for EMS 10 years, GCA private school for of 11 years. Also, he has enjoyed over the years volunteering for sports for his kids and grandkids. He enjoys many outdoor activities and likes to stay very active physically in his daily activities. 








Position #7
Adam Micone
Board Member
Pend Oreille Co Fire Protection District #4

Adam started his Fire Service Career in 2001 in Nevada. He graduated from the TMCC Fire Science program. In 2002 he went to work in the wildfire service, and in 2005 he transitioned back to structure fire departments. In 2011 Adam moved to Washington State and started as a Volunteer with Spokane County Fire District 4. A year later he went to Stevens County Fire District 1 as a firefighter/EMT then moving to a Engine Operator then Lieutenant for the next 8 years. During this time, Adam was also a firefighter/Squad Boss with a National Type 2 IA Handcrew. In 2020 he started helping Pend Oreille Fire District 4 in Newport Washington in the Training Division. In 2021 he was Promoted to Fire Captain/Training Officer. He always believes that no matter if your a Volunteer Firefighter or a Career Firefighter, training is key to mastering the craft.


Position #8
Don Fortier
Conference Coordinator 
Grant County Fire District #3

Don started as a Volunteer Firefighter on his 16th birthday in 1972, 50 years later he retired as Fire Chief for Grant County Fire District #3. Throughout his year in the fire service, he served every position from Firefighter to Fire Chief. He has served the WSFFA as their representative to the L&I Stakeholders Committee that rewrote the Firefighter Safety Standards. He continues to serve the Association as their representative on the L&I Technical Review Committee, and the representative to the WFC which he served on for 6 years during his career. Don likes to travel, spend time with his family and two beautiful young granddaughters, he enjoys spending time at any beach. I am pleased to be a member of the WSFFA. Throughout my career, I have always tried to make the voice of Volunteer Firefighters heard, and believe this is the best way to continue working for the Volunteer Firefighters of Washington State.

Position #9
Howard Scartozzi
Vendor / Regional Coordinator
WA State Fire Marshals Office

Howard has 39 years of volunteer fire service operational, training, and administrative experience; serving with district & municipal fire departments, industrial emergency services, and the Washington State Fire Training Academy. Howard has spent the past 12 years at the Washington State Fire Training Academy as an instructor, Firefighter Recruit Academy Coordinator, and Chief of Instruction. As a Chief Deputy, he is currently assigned to the development and implementation of a Statewide Regional Direct Delivery program which includes coordination of National Fire Academy courses, and Firefighter and Hazardous Materials training.


Position #10
Julie Johnston
2nd Vice President / Treasurer
Lewis County Fire District #6

Julie Johnston volunteers with Lewis County Fire District #6 near Chehalis. In her 30 years of service, she has risen through the ranks from firefighter to Captain and EMT-A. Julie is responsible for ongoing EMS training. She was named the 2014 EMS Responder of the Year for Washington State.


Position #11
David Neff
Board Member / Immediate Past President
Position 11 | Franklin County Fire District 3

David started in the volunteer fire service in 1991. He is a husband and father. David has served many roles in his community, such as reserve deputy, and many boards for county and state organizations. David has served on the WSFFA Board of Directors since 2015.

Position #12
Jerry Pettit
Board Member
Position 12 | Kittitas Valley Fire & Rescue

Jerry started his career as a volunteer firefighter in 1990 with Kittitas County Fire District 2. The District and City of Ellensburg became Kittitas Valley & Rescue on January 1, 2007. He retired as Captain of Volunteer Station on October 22, 2021, after 31 years. Jerry became a Commissioner for KVFR on January 1, 2022. He also serves on the Kittcom Board, the county emergency dispatch center. He retired from the position of Kittitas County Auditor on December 31, 2022, after 18 years. He enjoys travel, camping, fly fishing, and time with family.


Past Presidents

Pursuant to tradition, WSFFA acknowledges and honors its leaders of yesterday in several fashions.

  • Leader: the person who leads or commands a group or organization.
  • President: an officer appointed or elected to preside over an organized body of persons.

From our inception in 1923, the Washington State Firemens Association, now the Washington State Fire Fighters' Association has been blessed with leaders (rising to possessing presidential command qualities.)  Some have gone on to become leaders of other State and National fire service organizations, committees, Government appointments, and successful fire service careers.

WSFFA Leadership Engagement

(x) denotes the number of WSFFA Presidents having served in the particular position and/or committee.

Our leaders of the past have been tremendously involved and influential on many levels.  Their contributions are endless resulting in having served the local volunteers (and otherwise reached those through national and worldwide efforts.)  We salute the selfless service of the many we once called Mr. President.

  • Board of Volunteer Fire Fighters Board (1) (Gubernatorial appointment)
  • Fire Chief Magazine's 1999 Volunteer Fire Chief of the Year (1)
  • Fire Service Training Advisory Board (1)
  • Emergency Responder Safety Institute Advisory Group (1)
  • International Association of Fire Chiefs Wildland Committee (1)
  • King County Fire Chief’s Award (1)
  • National Benefit Summit Venue Chair (1)
  • National Traffic Incident Management Coalition (1)
  • NFPA Volunteer Organization and Deployment Standards (1)
  • NFPA Traffic Control Management Professional Qualifications Standards Secretary (1)
  • NVFC Chairman (1)
  • NVFC Directors (4)
  • NVFC Legislative Chair (1)
  • NVFC Wildland Committee Chair (1)
  • NVFC EMS/Rescue Section Secretary (1)
  • NVFC Representative to the World Federation of Volunteer Firefighters (1)
  • Transportation Safety Advancement Group (1)
  • Transportation Research Board Subcommittee on Emergency Responders (1)
  • Washington Firefighters Training & Education Fund (8)
  • Washington Fire Chiefs Association President (3)
  • Western Fire Chiefs Association President (1)
  • Washington State 911 Advisory Committee (1)
  • Washington State Fire Protection Policy Board (FPPB) Chairman (1) (Gubernatorial appointment Member (2)
  • Washington State FPPB Master Plan Workgroups (4)
  • Washington State FPPB Certification & Accreditation Committee Chair (1) Committee (2)
  • Washington State FPPB Training & Education Committee (2)
  • Washington Traffic Incident Management Coalition Chair (1) Committee (2)
  • Washington Widows and Spouses Board (1)
2023 update: Of the 78 Presidents, there have been too many promoted to Fire Chiefs to track
Past Presidential Info

Past Presidents' Conference Involvement



Presidents' attendance at the 100th WSFFA Conference
54th President Wayne Britton 1978
56th President Fred Allinson 1980
59th President Wayne Garden 1983-1984
60th President Ed Johnson 1985-1986
62nd Presiden Jack Quien 1989-1990
63rd President Joe Basta 1991-1992
64th President Lloyd Hazzard 1993
66th, 68th, 73rd, 75th President T.J. Nedrow 1996, 1998, 2007-2009, 2012-2014
67th President Jay Matsen 1997-1998
72nd President Larry Creekmore 2006
74th President Ken Blake 2010-2012
76th President Andrew Schaffran 2015-2017
78th President Dave Neff 2019-2022


Past President's Luncheon


Sponsored by NPPGov, the past President's Luncheon is a mainstay of the Annual Conference activities. The custom evolved decades ago from a breakfast to a luncheon as is a long-standing tradition of honoring leaders that has made the WSFFA great.  Gone are the color-coordinated blazers replaced by personalized blue shirts and president’s badges at the annual past Presidents Luncheon. This luncheon is sponsored by NPPGov.

  • The 2023 luncheon has an unprecedented 15 presidents attending amounting to 37 years & terms served!

Compiled herein is the listing of WSFFA Presidents as noted on the annual President’s Luncheon placemats. We hope you enjoy reading the bio’s we’ve compiled dating back to 1923.

President Place Mat 2023

Our Recent Losses - In Remembrance 

59th President

77th President

61st President

41st President

69th President

54th President

Robert Conner

John Ostergard

Mark Kammers

Robert Ely

Robert Reichel

Wayne Britton







Rest in Peace, Faithful Servants
Past Presidential Biographies
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