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Legislative Committee


Andrew Schaffran

Legislative Chair

NVFC Representative


Ed Mund

NVFC EMS/Rescue Section Director-at-Large

Past Board Member


Larry Creekmore

NVFC Representative

Board member


Tamera Warnke


Government Affair Consultant

ESSB 5829 Volunteer F/F Pension Improvement Bill Clears the House

March 8, 2020 | Comments Off on ESSB 5829 Volunteer F/F Pension Improvement Bill Clears the House

ESSB 5829 Volunteer F/F Pension Improvement Bill Clears the House, Two steps Remain The phrase of “Do You Believe in Miracles” was associated with the silent cheer at 3:40 PM Friday February 6 th in the House Legislature gallery by the folks working the bill.  The long hard journey of the 2019-2020 volunteer FF pension bill had…

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WSFFA’s Legislative Historical Review: 2020-1991

September 30, 2019 | Comments Off on WSFFA’s Legislative Historical Review: 2020-1991

The Washington State Fire Fighters’ Association was established in 1923. The mission in part is to represent the volunteer firefighter. It was the case then as it is now, to be vigilant in representing and improving the health & welfare of the volunteer. While diligent over of the years, the WSFFA’s efforts began showing real…

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WSFFA Legislation of Interest


Bill # Abbrev. Title Short Description Status Sponsor Priority
HB 1093 (SB 5091) Operating budget, 2nd supp. Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium second supplemental operating appropriations. H Approps Ormsby Monitoring
SHB 1094 (ESSB 5092) Operating budget Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. H Rules R Ormsby Monitoring
HB 1159 Fire district comm'r, number Concerning the number of fire protection district commissioners. S Pres Signed Berg Monitoring
2SHB 1168 Long-term forest health DNR request legislation-Public Lands Commissioner Hilary Franz. Concerning long-term forest health and the reduction of wildfire dangers. S Rules 2 Springer Support/Monitoring
SHB 1209 Nonmedical assist. immunity Relating to immunity protection for nonmedical assistance. S Passed 3rd Bronoske Monitoring
SHB 1276 Diversion centers/EMS Providing for certain emergency medical services personnel to work in diversion centers. Department of Health request legislation. S 2nd Reading Bronoske Monitoring
HB 1362 Property tax revenue growth Modifying the annual regular property tax revenue growth limit. H Finance Duerr Monitoring
SHB 1510 Nonemergency medical transp. Establishing an exemption from certain highway use requirements by nonemergency medical transportation vehicles. S Transportation Hackney Monitoring
SB 5091 (HB 1093) Operating budget, 2nd supp. Making 2019-2021 fiscal biennium second supplemental operating appropriations. S Ways & Means Rolfes Monitoring
ESSB 5092 (SHB 1094) Operating budget Making 2021-2023 fiscal biennium operating appropriations. H Passed 3rd Rolfes Monitoring
ESSB 5115 Health emergency/labor Establishing health emergency labor standards. H 3rd Reading Keiser Monitoring
ESB 5158 Utility wildland fire cmte. Concerning the utility wildland fire prevention advisory committee. H 2nd Reading Hawkins Monitoring
SSB 5169 Provider PPE reimbursement Concerning provider reimbursement for personal protective equipment during the state of emergency related to COVID-19. H Passed 3rd Frockt Monitoring
SB 5198 Ambulances in rural areas Easing ambulance restrictions in rural areas. Del to Gov Schoesler Support/Monitoring
SSB 5254 Protective devices/health Regarding the use of protective devices and equipment during a public health emergency. H Rules R Salomon Monitoring
SB 5338 Fire districts/education Concerning fire protection districts and education. Del to Gov Wilson Support/Monitoring
SB 5341 Local sales tax uses Increasing permissible uses of existing local sales tax authority. H Finance Wilson Monitoring
SSB 5384 Volunteer firefighters Concerning volunteer firefighters. H 2nd Reading Warnick Monitoring



The Washington State Fire Fighters’ Association was established in 1923. The mission in part is to represent the volunteer firefighter. It was the case then as it is now, to be vigilant in representing and improving the health & welfare of the volunteer. While diligent, over the years the WSFFA’s efforts began showing real worth in the legislative arena during the 1991 legislative session, when the WSFFA President Joe Basta appointed then Board member T.J. Nedrow as the Association’s Legislative Chairman.  In 2000, the WSFFA increased its investment in the volunteer as the Association began contracting the services of Ms. Tamara Warnke, Lobbyist.  Thus began a significant endeavor that has resulted in formation of a WSFFA Legislative Committee for further representation, benefits and success for the volunteer.  Since 1991 the WSFFA tenacious legislative efforts has grown to earn the respect of friend and foe alike.

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